Sunday, December 14, 2014


I was extremely confused during Thursdays discussion. I wanted to ask questions but it was hard for me to process everything. I still have a few questions.
 - What is the slope of a curve and how do you find it?
 - How to find the velocity of the curve
 - When B meets point A does that mean that they are at the same speed or just intersecting?
I also had a tough time with the " P [__]t + [__]t + [__]

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Position, Distance, Displacement reflection

I feel like a have a pretty strong grasp on these 3 terms. Here is my definitions for each of them. Position: Starting/reference point. Distance: how much the object moved from the position to a different point. Displacement: difference between the position and distance.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


In Thursday's discussion we discussed if we should label the distance as negative from the reference point. We also stated that a change in position results in a negative slope. Lets say there were 2 people standing back to back, and they both take 10 steps forward. Their distance would be the same but their position is different. And lastly we decided that the slope of our graphs is related to speed.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Different relationships

Most of our lab experiments ended up having a linear relationship with a positive trend. But instead of identifying a linear relationship because the line is straight. How else can we identify it?

Monday, September 15, 2014

Fixed or growth mindset

For me personally, I would say that I have a growth mindset for almost everything. When i comes to History  and Government I'm always aiming to just get the highest grade I can possibly achieve. I don't really like History or government, and learning new things is a little harder for me. Other subjects like English, Physics, Geometry, etc, I'm comfort with learning new things because I enjoy those subjects. I also have a growth mindset for dancing. I'm always trying to master dance moves that I've had trouble with in the past.